The Moors | The Hope Theatre
© Steve Gregson Solitude, isolation, and the desire to be seen; these are some of the key themes of The Moors , Jen Silverman's eerie play. The savageness of the landscape, coupled with a different perception of time and space, and a sense of impending tragedy, is an intriguing starting point for a story, especially if staged around Halloween. The overall branding around The Moors is very conscious of this as well, and milks the cow as much as possible, advertising the show in a way that, in the attempt of making it more commercial and palatable, ends up not doing it justice. If the suggested vibe of the marketing and production material can point to fairly cheap jumpscares and paper-thin characters, Sophia Pardon's gorgeous set design immediately rebalances expectations, immersing the audience in a worn-out yet enchanting space, with threadbare wallpaper, atmospheric chandeliers, and rubble underneath our feet. Silverman's play clearly has many influences; one of the...